Literacy Education: Birth - Grade 12, M.S.Ed.

2024-2025 Graduate Program Change


What can I do next?

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  • View current comments concerning this proposal by clicking the Discussion tab.
  • View the history of the proposal by clicking the Workflow Status tab.
  • View the signatures the proposal has collected by clicking the Signatures tab.
  • View the files associated with the proposal by clicking the Files tab.
  • Compare the proposal with related proposal by clicking the Proposal Lookup tab.
General Catalog Information
  • **Read before you begin**

    Select Program for New Masters, CAS and Graduate Certificate Programs below as the Type of Proposal before building curriculum data.

    Program include Masters, Certificate of Advanced Study, Non-degree Graduate Certficate Program, Post-Baccalaureate Advanced Certificate, and Advanced Certificate Programs.

    Shared Core includes cores of courses that can be built and maintained once but used in multiple programs.

  • Work on the Proposal

      • FILL IN all fields required marked with an *.
      • Edit fields by clicking on the text in the field.
      • Upload supporting documentation by clicking the paperclip icon in the right-side menu to access the Files Tab.
      • Complete the Acknowledgement section.
      • LAUNCH proposal by clicking Validate and Launch at the top or bottom of the proposal. ​ If all required fields are completed, the proposal will launch into the workflow.
      • Once the proposal has been launched, follow the steps to approve the proposal.

    Review Proposal

      • View changes to the proposal by clicking the Discussion tab using the chat icon in the right-side menu and selecting "Show current with markup" on the User Tracking dropdown.
      • View current comments concerning this proposal by clicking the Discussion tab using the chat icon in the right-side menu.
      • View the history of the proposal by clicking the Workflow Status tab using the bullet list icon in the right-side menu.
      • View the files associated with the proposal by clicking the paperclip icon in the right-side menu to access the Files tab.


      • Comment on the proposal by clicking the Discussion tab using the chat icon in the right-side menu and clicking the + Add Comment button.
      • Make a decision (approve/reject) by clicking the Decisions Tab using the check mark icon in the right-side menu.
  • School/College
  • Department*
  • School/College Curriculum Committee
    Departments in CLAS or SCMA can ignore this question. This question only needs to be answered if your proposal is in the SoE or SoB.
  • Program Title*
    Literacy Education: Birth - Grade 12, M.S.Ed.
    Literacy Education: Birth - Grade 12, M.S.Ed.
  • Program Type*
  • Degree Type*
  • Program Description*

    Program Contact

    Jennifer Kagan, Program Coordinator

    207 Wilber Hall



    The Literacy Education: Birth - Grade 12 program is in the Curriculum and Instruction Department, which is one of six departments in the School of Education. Visit the program admissions page to apply.


    Program Description

    The Master's in Literacy Education Birth-Grade 12 is a 30-credit hour program designed for educators seeking productive, inspired careers as literacy teachers and professionals who are committed to meeting the needs of diverse learners. In this program, you will learn how to create meaningful, culturally relevant literacy experiences for all students, and especially those who need explicit teaching and support strategies to become effective literacy learners. All courses will be offered remotely with the exception of two 25 hour practicum experiences.

    The Master's in Literacy Birth through Grade 12 program focuses on the roles of leadership and collaboration, both in schools and in surrounding communities. To this end, candidates engage in rich and extensive clinical experiences with children/young adults from all levels of public schooling, with other school professionals, and with parents/caregivers. The MSED Literacy Education Birth-Grade 12 certification level allows for a breadth and depth of knowledge, providing candidates with the necessary knowledge base and skill and an expanded range of professional opportunities.


    The MSED Literacy Education Birth-Grade 12 program embraces the fundamental belief that social justice is served only when all children are successful readers and writers, that educators must serve as advocates for ongoing instruction in literacy to help children reach their potential, and that instruction must include use of authentic texts and experiences that help learners make powerful connections between texts and their own lives. The program supports a strategic approach to both reading and writing in which learners become self-aware of these literacy processes and are able to claim control of their own reading and writing skills.

    The sequence of courses provides candidates with a deep understanding of the content base of literacy, the process of reading, and the appropriate implementation of effective instructional strategies. The program includes 50 hours of clinical teaching experience in urban, suburban, and rural schools, under collaborative supervision of college personnel and classroom-based practitioners, allowing candidates to develop proficiency in planning, assessment, diagnosis and explicit instruction. The program provides an opportunity to work with diverse students and practice the implementation of evidence-based strategies gained in the sequence of courses.


    Enter the description for this program as it should appear in the catalog. (Please submit the curriculum/course listing as a file attachment. This section is for a description of the program for the college catalog).
  • Justification for Proposal*

     This proposal is to change the program from face-to-face to fully online; except for the practicum experiences, all courses will be remote.

    We are in the process of updating all course outlines; they will be submitted before the end of this semester.

  • Follow these steps to propose courses to the new program curriculum:

    Step 1

    There are two options for adding courses: "Add Course" and "Import Course." 

    For courses already in the catalog, click on "Import Course" and find the courses needed. 

    For new classes going through a Curriculog Approval Process click on "Add Course"-- a box will open asking you for the Prefix, Course Number and Course Title.

    Step 2

    Click on "View Curriculum Schema" then select “Add Core”. When the New Core appears, expand the Core and enter the Core Title. Next, click on “Add Courses” to access the list of courses from step 1. Then select the courses you wish to add.  

    For removing courses click on the Delete and proceed.

  • Proposed Program Curriculum*
  • Please Attach:
  • System Administrators Only
  • Type of Proposal*
  • Acalog Program OID
  • Acalog Status
  • User Tracking

    Help: Show Original: This option displays the proposal as it appeared at launch. No markup will be visible on the form. There will be no differentiation between fields that contain imported content and content that was created or selected by the originator by hand.

    Help: Show Current: This option displays the proposal as it appears currently. No markup will be visible on the form. There will be no differentiation between fields that contain imported content and content that was created or selected by the originator by hand.

    Help: Show Current with Markup: This option displays the proposal with all of its current content marked to show different editors. Text fields that include imported content are indicated by a blue highlight, and may also include additional changes within, indicated by each editor’s unique color. Fields containing selects, checkboxes, radio buttons, or widgets (such as the curriculum) provide an activity log above the field, indicating each editor’s selection and unique color.


    You have not saved your changes to all the assessment fields you edited. You have the following options:

    • Click "Save All Changes" now to save every change you made
    • Click "Abandon Changes" to destroy all unsaved changes
    • Click "Cancel" to continue working on assessments and save each field individually

    What would you like to do?

      You must be logged in, in order to approve.

      Please upload the form that you just printed and signed.

      This will be used as your signature to sign this proposal upon approval.

      Listed below are the symbols and colors utilized in Curriculum:

      • = has not made a decision
      • = approved
      • = rejected
      • = held
      • = suspended
      • = cancelled
      • = multiple decisions
      • = task
      • = mine
      • = stuck
      • = urgent, out of date import source







